9 Tips For Running On Your Period

Exercising seems like a struggle – no, wait – everything seems like a struggle when you’re on your period. And if you’re a regular runner, you know that your morning jog on your period can be filled with dread and embarrassment – Am I leaking? Am I going to get cramps? Will I have to embarrassingly quit half way through?

We hate to sound like a broken record but running – even on your time of the month – can be great for you, especially for beating the bloat, easing the cramps, and sleeping soundly on your period… sounds dreamy, right?

If you want to get a sweat on, here are our 9 top tips for running on your period

  1. Eat well

    If there’s one thing periods are good at, it’s forcing you to feel sluggish. Scoffing your face with leftover pizza is a bad move if you want to get those energy levels up (no matter how hard it is to resist!). Find out what foods to eat on your period to help cramps.

  2. Rest well

    With the discomfort you can feel, sleeping seems almost impossible. But if you’ve got a run planned, fill up that hot water bottle, light those candles and get stuck into that book you’re reading because an early night is essential for your morning energy!

  3. Wear the right menstrual products

    Whether it’s pads or tampons, using plastic period products can feel uncomfortable and sweaty. Choosing organic, plastic free products instead allows your skin to breathe.

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  4. Wear the right underwear

    Wearing comfortable, breathable underwear that lets your pads stick on securely will make your run less of a stress and a mess.

  5. Stretch

    When it comes to working out, stretching goes without saying, but it’s super important when you’re menstruating to help to ease your cramps

  6. Take it slow

    Don’t force yourself to beat your personal best or go the distance, making it out the door is an achievement in itself! Take your time and only if you feel like you can push yourself should you go for it.

  7. Breathe naturally

    We’re always told “in through the nose, out through the mouth” but in this instance, breathe how your body wants you to. Your body knows the best way to get oxygen to your muscles so don’t limit how much you’ll take in.

  8. Stay hydrated

    Being on the time of the month means you’re losing extra fluid on top of the beads of sweat, so carry a reusable bottle throughout the day to make sure you’re drinking more water.

  9. Wardrobe change

    For a little peace of mind, you might want to wear extra layers or choose your darker workout clothes. It’ll be one less thing to worry about!

If running isn’t what you fancy this month, there are many ways of looking after your body during your period, like yoga. Check out our advice for doing yoga when you’re menstruating.

Tiredness can easily get the better of you during your period too. It’s important to listen to your body and take it easy when you need to, especially during your time of the month.

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9 thoughts on “9 Tips For Running On Your Period

  1. Laila said:

    Hey, I have a question. Can my period be an excuse for Field day? I’m just curious..

    • Laila said:

      I have more questions too!, Sorry!
      – Is it okay to wear shorts on my period..?
      – What if my period is halfway though ending?, Can I still run?
      – Can I still run if my field day includes these things i’m concerned about doing? Rolling, Jumping over hurdles, and Jumping,

    • Syanni said:

      No unless you are very hurt with your period.

  2. Mags said:

    How am I supposed to run when I can’t even get up in the morning cause of how bad my cramps are any tips for that?

    • Leia M said:

      The only tip I have is to take birth control it helps with cramps.

      • Natracare said:

        Interesting! Good to know what works for some, thanks for sharing!

    • Liv said:

      I am a Cross Country Runner and I find that pads can give you “swamp butt” so I personally recommend tampons with a panty liner when running!

  3. Laylay said:

    Yes you can i run track and field you can do these things you can wear short make sure to have a darker color if it is halfway through and you are not cramping bad and you feel more energetic you can try to do a little more than you do like when it starts off . You can still run. Rolling and jumping are okay but be careful and listen to your body like if there seems to be a lot of discomfort let your coach know and you can get out of it when you are not feeling well enough to run on your period.

    • Madeleine said:

      Good advice, always listen to your body and what feels comfortable for you! Your period doesn’t have to hold you back though!